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LMM Secures Complete Defense Verdict

by LMM
Jun 17, 2024

After a five-week jury trial with many twists and turns, LMM partners Liam Malone and Mike McDonald obtained a complete defense verdict on behalf of a nationally renowned design firm against an $8.9 million claim arising out of a multimillion-dollar residential remodel project in San Franscisco, California. Plaintiff claimed that LMM’s client did not “catch” the contractors’ allegedly defective work, cost overruns, and delays in a timely manner. This was a rare-instance where trial was a virtual certainty from the outset; the plaintiff was represented by an aggressive New York-based law firm and had previously sued the general contractor whose work was at issue in this trial. Liam and Mike were able to obtain several favorable pre-trial and trial rulings that helped turn the tide against the plaintiff’s claims and, ultimately, the jury agreed that the plaintiff had failed to meet its evidentiary burden and returned a complete defense verdict for LMM’s client.

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